Jungtae Lee : FLUX

이정태 작가는 자연 속 시간의 흐름을 푸른 색상으로 담아낸다. 산과 바다, 대기, 폭발하는 꽃들을 테마로 먼 거리에서 바라본 자연의 풍경들이 생생하게 펼쳐진다.

작가는 풍경을 통해 자연과 인간, 시간의 복잡한 관계를 섬세하게 탐구하며 현대인들이 바쁜 일상 속 잊고 지낸 자연의 경이로움을 조용히 되살린다. 계절의 변화와 같은 시간 흐름의 시각적 표현으로 현재의 소중한 순간을 느끼게 하며 인간과 자연의 상호작용에 대한 고찰을 불러일으킨다. 

우주에서 내려다보는 듯한 이러한 시각은 자체로 신비롭고 심오한 인상을 남기는데, 이는 현재의 시간만이 실제로 존재한다는 철학적 메시지를 담고 있다. 이번 스텔라에서의 Flux는 바쁜 생활 속 자연과 시간의 흐름 속에서 내면의 평화를 발견할 수 있는 특별한 순간을 제시한다.

  • 기간 : 2024년 6월 20일 ~ 7월 24일
  •  위치 : 서울시 강남구 봉은사로 49길 17
  •  운영 : 화-토 2:00-8:00pm (일,월, 공휴일 휴관)
  •  문의 : 02-512-7277 / DM
  •  무료전시 / 주차가능




1991 서울대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업


2024 Flux, 스텔라갤러리, 서울

2024 Flux, Episode gallery, NJ, USA

2023 Flux, Space776, NY, USA

2022 Flux, 베카갤러리, 서울

2022 Flux, 이레갤러리, 파주헤이리

2022 Flux, 아트스텔라갤러리, 서울

2022 Flux, 아트스텔라갤러리, 울산

2021 Flux, 갤러리 피랑, 파주헤이리

2021 Flux, 아트레온갤러리, 서울

2020 Flux, 보혜미안갤러리, 서울

2019 Flux, 푸우갤러리, 제주

2018 Flux, 세종갤러리, 서울

2018 빛의 소리, 오륜대순교자박물관, 부산

2017 흐름과 리듬, 리빈갤러리, 부산

2017 흐름과 리듬, 갤러리피랑, 파주헤이리

2016 흐름과 리듬, 갤러리4F, 춘천

2016 흐름과 리듬, 고도갤러리, 서울

2016 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 1898갤러리, 서울

2014 흐름과 리듬, 부미아트홀, 부산

2013 흐름과 리듬, 대한민국국회. 서울

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 이브갤러리, 서울

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 인데코갤러리, 서울

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 하남문화예술회관, 하남

2011 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 808갤러리, 하남

2010 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 오륜대순교자박물관, 부산

2010 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 하버갤러리, 부산

2008 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 가산화랑, 분당

2007 흐름과 리듬, 갤러리동국, 동국대학교, 서울

2006 흐름과 리듬, 가산화랑, 서울

2006 흐름과 리듬, 동원화랑, 대구

2005 흐름과 리듬, 가산화랑, 서울

2003 흐름과 리듬, 갤러리 조, 서울

2003 대화(對話), 가나아트스페이스, 서울

2002 길, 구름, 물거품, 갤러리 조, 서울

2002 KIAF, BEXCO, 부산

1993 덕원갤러리, 서울



2024 California dream & Seoul dream, AJL gallery, CA, USA

2023 Past,Present,and Future, Episode gallery, NJ, USA

2022 FRENDS3인전, 리빈갤러리, 부산

2022 BAMA, BEXCO, 부산

2021 마이애미레드닷아트페어, 미국

2021 울산아트페어, 울산

2018 소소, 리빈갤러리, 부산

2017 한마음전, 수지미술관, 남원

2016 ‘신명’전, 문화예술회관, 광주

2016 남원을 보다, 수지미술관, 남원

2016 데카곤, 퀄리아갤러리, 서울

2015 스콥바젤아트페어, 바젤, 스위스

2015 월드아트 두바이, 월드트레이드센터, 두바이, UAE

2015 봄의 소리’, 롯데갤러리, 서울

2011 동방지광, 시시엔예술구, 안후이성, 중국

2010 ‘四人四色’, K갤러리, 부산

2009 한중수교17주년특별전, 송주앙 상상미술관, 뻬이찡. 중국

2009 한,중국 정예작가大作전, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울

2009 ICECREEM, 동덕미술관, 서울

2009 동방의 빛, 갤러리 인, 베이찡798, 중국

2008 인천,터키교류전, 인천문예회관, 인천

2008 한국.중동전, 카이로 오페라하우스, 이집트

2008 서울국제현대미술제, COEX, 서울

2008 동아시아작가전, 상하이 한국문화원 ,중국

2007 한,중국교류전, 동덕미술관, 서울

2007 화랑미술제, BEXCO, 부산

2002 KIAF, BEXCO, 부산


2019 한국가톨릭 순교성인화제작, 한국가톨릭주교회의

2015 카톨릭미술공모 최우수상

2011 풍산성당 제대, 14처, 벽화제작

2010 聖미술의 현대적변용, 양업서원, 부산

2008 중국길림예술대학 객좌교수



-주핀란드 한국대사관





-국립현대미술관 미술은행










Jungtae Lee captures the flow of time in nature through shades of blue, portraying vivid landscapes of mountains, seas, skies, and exploding flowers as if viewed from a distance.

The artist delicately explores the complex relationships between nature, humans, and time, subtly reviving the wonders of nature that are often overlooked in our hectic lives. His work prompts reflections on the interactions between humans and nature through visual representations of time, like the changing seasons, making viewers appreciate the preciousness of the present moment.

This perspective, reminiscent of viewing the Earth from space, leaves a profound and mystical impression, embodying the philosophical message that only the present truly exists. Flux at Stella offers a unique opportunity to find inner peace amidst the hustle of life, reconnecting with the natural flow of time.

  • Exhibition Duration: June 20th to July 24th, 2024
  • Location: 49gil 17, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
  • Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 2:00-8:00 pm (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays)
  • Contact: 02-512-7277 / DM
  • Admission: Free / Parking available




1991 Graduated from Seoul National University

1997 Graduated from Dongguk University School of Education


S0l0 Exhibition

2022 Flux, Beka Gallery, Seoul

2022 Flux, Gallery jireh, Heiry

2022, Flux, Artstellar Gallery, Seoul

2022 Flux, Artstellar Gallery, Ulsan

2021 Flux, Gallery Pirang, Heiry

2021 Flux, Artreon Gallery, Seoul

2020 Flux, Bohyemiahn Gallery, Seoul

2019 Flux, FU Gallwry, JejuDo

2018 Flux Seojong Gallery, Seoul

2018 Sound of Light, Korean Martyrs Museum, Busan

2017 Flow and Rhythm Livein Gallery, Busan

2017 Flow and Rhythm Gallery Pirang, Heiry

2016 Flow and Rhythm, Gallery 4F, Chuncheon

2016 Flow and rhythm, GODO Gallery, Seoul

2016 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 1898 Gallery, Seoul

2014 Flow and rhythm, Busan Art Hall, Busan

2013 The Flow of Nature and the Rhythm of Life, National Assembly Seoul

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, Eve Gallery, Seoul

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, ndeco Gallery, Seoul

2012 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, Hanam Culture and Arts Center, Henan

2011 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, 808 Gallery, Hanam

2010 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, Korean Martyrs Museum, Busan

2010 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, Harbor Gallery, Busan

2008 WHAT MEN LIVE BY, Gassan Gallery, Seoul

2007 Flow and rhythm, Gallery Dongguk, Dongguk University, Seoul

2006 Flow and rhythm, Gassan Gallery, Seoul

2006 Flow and rhythm, Dongwon Gallery, Daegu

2005 Flow and rhythm, Gasanan Gallery, Seoul

2003 Flow and Rhythm, Gallery Cho Seoul

2003 Conversation, Gana Art Space, Seoul

2002 Conversation, KIAF, BEXCO, BUSAN

2002 Conversation, Gallery Cho Seoul

1993 Dukwon Gallery, Seoul


Group Exhibition

2021 Holy journey, 서울1898 Gallery, Seoul

2019 Thinking and reflection, Artreon Gallery, Seoul

2019 Bloom, the flower of faith, 1898 Gallery, Seoul

2019 Exhibition of Korean Catholic Artists Associstion, Gallery, Seoul

2018 Thinking and reflection, Artreon Gallery, Seoul

2018 simple life Livein Gallery, Busan

2018 Painting Spirit (Dongduk Women's University Museum, Seoul)

2018 Painting Spirit (Dongduk Museum, Seoul)

2017 one mind Suji Art Museum, Namwon

2016 get excited Gwangju Museum,Gwangju

2016 Look at the Namwon Suji Art Museum, Namwon

2016 Decacorn (Gallery of Qualia, Seoul)

2015 Spirit of painting (Jinju University School of Education, Jinju)

2015 Martyrs outside the Seosomun (Korean Martyrs Museum, Seoul)

2015 Scob Basel (Basel, Switzerland)

2015 World Art Dubai (World Trade Center, Dubai)

2015 Doors Art Fair (Imperial Palace Hotel, Seoul)

2015 Sound of Spring (Lotte Gallery, Seoul)

2014 Painting Spirit (Daegu University Museum, Daegu)

2013 Painting Spirit (Dongduk Women's University Museum, Seoul)

2012 Painting Spirit (Yanbian University, Jilin Province, China)

2012 After The Light of the East (Lee Gallery, Seoul))

2011 You remember me. (Korean Martyrs Museum, Seoul)

2011 The Light of the East (Anhui Province, China)

2011 Spirit of Painting (Sungkyunkwan University Gallery, Seoul)

2010 Formation group (Seoul city council, Seoul)

2010 Seoul University Exhibition (Busan City Hall, Busan)

2010 BIEF (Lotte Gallery, Busan),

2010 Four Person Four Color (K Gallery, Busan)

2009 Icon and Imagination (Korean Martyrs Museum, Seoul)

2009 Special Exhibition of 17th Anniversary of Korea-China Diplomatic Relations ( Museum of Contemporary Art, Pei Ching, China)

2009 Formation group (Gallery Hang, Seoul)

2009 Korea&Chinese Interchange Exhibition ( Sejong Cultural Center Museum,)

2009 I SCREEM (Dongduk Gallery, Seoul)

2009 The Light of the East (798 Gallery Inn, Baoding, China)

2009 Open mind (Gallery of lighted courtyard, Bundang)

2008 Incheon&Turkey Interchange Exhibition (Incheon Cultural Center, Incheon),

2008 Korea, Middle East Asia Exhibition (Cairo Opera House, Egypt).

2008 Seoul International Contemporary Art Festival (COEX, Seoul)

2008 Formation group (Dong Gallery, Seoul)

2008 Reading Flowers (Myungdo Gallery, Chuncheon)

2008 Korea Art Festival (BEXCO, Busan)

2008 East Asian Art Exhibition (Shanghai Korean Cultural Center, China)

2007 End-of-the-year festival (Light Garden Gallery, Bundang / OS Gallery, Chungju)

2007 Painting Spiritual Exhibition (Light Garden Gallery, Bundang)

2007 Korea& China Exchange Exhibition (Dongduk Gallery, Seoul)

2007 Formation group (Hwang Jinhyeon Gallery, Seoul)

2006 Painting Spiritual Exhibition (Kyungpook National University Museum, Daegu)

2006 Formation group (Dong Gallery, Seoul)

2005 Walking (Cunning Academy, Gapyeong)

2005 Formation group (Chungnung Institute of Arts, Gapyeong)

2005 Painting Spiritual Exhibition (Kookmin University Gallery, Seoul)

2005 New works exhibition (Gongsan Gallery, Daegu)

2004 Formation group (Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul)

2004 Asking for directions again (Gallery La Mer, Seoul)

2003 Formation group (Gwangjin Cultural Center, Seoul)

2002 Painting Spirit Exhibition (Lotte Gallery, Anyang)

2001 Formation group (Kwanhoon Museum, Seoul)

2001 Painting Spirit Exhibition (My Art Gallery, Seoul)

2000 Formation group (Choheung Gallery, Seoul)

1999 Painting Spirit Exhibition (Seoul Arts Center, Seoul)

1999 Formation group (Indeko Gallery, Seoul)

1998 Painting Spiritual Exhibition (Seoul Arts Center, Seoul / Chungju Culture & Arts Center, Chungju)

1999 Formation group (Yukyung Gallery, Seoul)

1997 Formation group (Dukwon Gallery, Seoul)

1997 Wind of Seou (Indeko Gallery, Seoul)

1996 Formation group (Hana Love, Seoul)

1995 Wind of Seoul (Indeko Gallery, Seoul)

1994 Wind of Seou (Indeko Gallery, Seoul)

1994 Subconscious of 20 people (cheongnam Gallery, Seoul)

1993 upright walking (Gallery Ikon, Seoul)

1992 Two people exhibition (Baeksong Gallery, Seoul),

1992 New Generation (Na Gallery, Baeksong Gallery, Seoul)

1992 Donga Art Festival (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon)

1991 New Generation (Na Gallery, Baeksong Gallery, Seoul)


2015 Catholic award the higest prize

2011 draw a wall painting of Poongsan Cathedral

2010 modern chang of Icon, Yangup puslisher, Pusan

2008 Chinese Jilin University of Arts Visiting Professor


Public works

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

- Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Finland

- Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Brazil

- Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cameroon

- Daegu Public Prosecutors Office

- China Jilin University of Arts

- National Museum of Contemporary Art Art Bank

- Kwon Jin-kyu Museum

- Korean Martyrs Museum

- Catholic Bishops‘ Conference of Korea

- Archidioecesis Seoulensis

- Poongsan Cathedral in Diocese of Suwon

- Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital